Our Beginning

In May of 1982, Barry County farmer Bill Aukerman was listening to the radio on his tractor, a story about football players being inducted into their sport’s hall of fame. He found himself thinking that farm couples deserved to be honored similarly for their hard work and contribu­tions to advancing Michigan agriculture.

On the 81th day, God looked down on His paradise and decided He needed a caretaker, so God made a farmer.

The current Michigan Farmers’ Hall of Fame Board of Directors wants the scope of the Hall of Fame to expand to a truly statewide organization, with governance representing all types of farming and farming related businesses. The goal is to promote excellence in farming within the state of Michigan. Much help is needed; all constructive help is welcomed.

Do you know a farming couple that should be considered for the Michigan Farmers’ Hall of Fame?

They should meet the following criteria:

• At least 20 years in farming
• Age 60 or older
• Involved in the community
• Contributor to the advancement of agriculture

View our online application →

Become a member of the Michigan Farmers’ Hall of Fame

Volunteers Needed